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Porto, Portugal, 2014

Theme: Mind Healing Body and Body Healing Mind in Regression Therapy
Venue: Hotel Santana, Porto, Portugal
Dates: October 4- , 2014

Pre-congress trainings
Hans TenDam (Netherlands)
The Fırm Touch – Uncommon Body Techniques in Regression: Accident Trauma Release and Back Pressure
Christine Alisa (USA)
Past Life Therapy with Children and Adolescents
Trisha Caetano
How to incorporate specific, multi level healing methods into regression therapy

Andy Tomlinson (UK)
Using Body Therapy to clear Unexplainable Chronic Pain
Athanasios Komianos (Greece)
What is the Story behind Birthmarks and/or Birth Defects? Dynamics involved in the development of their formation
Diba Ayten Yılmaz (Turkiye)
How our Mind and Soul effect our Body Resolving the conflict and trauma behind the physical illnesses
Davidson Lemela (Brasil)
Past Life Regression Therapy for the healing of Depression physical symptoms
Yuvraj M Kapadia (India)
Choices and Consequences – The Body Mind Interplay
Neeta Sharma Kumar (India)
Conversation with Disease or Affected Organs
Aasha Warriar (India)
Cellular Rhythms in regression – a new paradigm to healing and integration
Heike Bettendorf (Spain)
ATR – Accident Trauma Release – Trauma release from physical ailments and after- effects of accidents and surgery
Marc Van Hecke (Belgium)
Regression with the Body Energy of Babies: About subconscious conversation and the power of intention
Rafael Couto Melsert (Brazil) and Miriam Regina Xavier de Barros (Brazil)
Biophotons – Light Field of Life in Regression Therapy
Paul Aurand (USA)

Soul Memories – Healing Mind and Body with Life Between Lives
Hans TenDam (Netherlands)
Healing and Integrating Body Parts
Tulin Etyemez Schimberg (Turkey)
Trance Dance for Body and Soul Healing: how shamanic and DMP techniques can bring healing
Simone Einstoss Granado (Belgium)
Epigenetics Connection with Systemic Constellations and Regression Therapy – Science Proving Therapy
Jordan van der Zeijden Campos (Brasil)
Iridology & Regressive Therapy – Healing the mind trough the body: Human eyes reveal traumas, behaviours and new paths for Regressive Therapy
Pavel Gyngazov (Russia)
The Role of Mind for Body Healing during Regression Therapy Sessions
Marion Boon (Netherlands)
Mind in Survival, Body in Starvation – On Balance and Burdens – and the phenomenon of Eating Disorders

Prof. Jim Tucker (USA)
Birthmarks and Children’s Memories of Past Lives
Prof. Mario Simões (Portugal)

Consciousness-Body-Consciousness: Sensitive Inter actions
Prof. Julio Peres (Brazil)
The Brain – before and after psychotherapy

How Mind and Body Interact?
Moderator: Andy Tomlinson (UK) Panel members: Jim Tucker (USA), Julio Perez (Brazil), Mario Simões (Portugal), Hans TenDam (Netherlands)